The Wild Man

Last nights was about a wild man who is a cave dweller.  I could see him eating meat off the bones.  I can see how his sons lead the same life of hunter gathers but they seem at one with that way of life.  It is awkward for me to see their poverty even though they don’t view it as poverty.  They wear their animal skins with pride.  I am the one perceiving through a filter of societal norms and notions of the way I should act and carry myself.

A Killer On The Loose

Swat TeamI had a dream where a killer was on the loose in my building. I fall prey to him and he takes me hostage. He loosely ties me up and stuffs me away in the closet next to my bed. Through the crack in the door, I can see his movements as he nervously paces back and forth to gather his strategy periodically looking out my bedroom windows to determine if the coast is clear.

I am in fear for my life. How could I ever escape his grip? This is a life or death situation and my captor has the upper hand,. In a flash of light, the moment comes for him to make his move to take me to a more secure location. My entre bedroom with me in it is teleported to a place among many. I am one of many similar examination rooms. They now have me under observation in my bed. His swat team is probing me to quickly determine my vital signs my make up and whether I’m still worth the value of a hostage. I get the sense that I’m worth more to them alive than dead. I feel like I’m being detained in a hospital. My arms are strapped with monitoring devices.

They are planning to extend their net to find men similar to me for capture. I need to find a way to send an encrypted message to the authorities those who may be aligned with me. My captors are targeting a group of gay men congregated for an event in a hotel. Telepathically, I can see a room filled with men. I seem to be able to communicate. I’ve successfully alerted them to the danger but will they make the right choice to evade their own capture.

I am struggling to awaken from the dream. My eyes open and I can see a female looking at me in examination. The others quickly push me back down into bed. I fall back into the consciousness of sleep. Their guns are firmly on me as their target. I hear and feel 3 shots into my bed yet none pierce me. I believe the shots were intended to be a warning.

Slide Rule of the Dead

Slide RuleI had a dream last night where I am given a slide rule that not only predicts the future but creates the future you wish to have.  This slide rule is a prototype for instructional purposes to demonstrate that the concept is feasible.  Oddly enough this slide rule is limited to the simple task of giving a shave. It creates a future shave on anyone you choose.  I am highly skeptical of its ability.  Frankly, I think the idea is absurd but it has my curiosity.  I examine it carefully noting the slider and options provided on it for the degree of shave you wish to manifest.  By moving the slider, I am able to affect the future. Knowing I’m not one to give myself a shave….I decide to set it to give me a shave at some future date.  After moving the slider I place the slide rule down on my night stand and lay back down to sleep. 

Moments later after I am supposedly fall back asleep in the dream I begin to feel pressure on the nape of my lower back.  This can’t be possible, I’m thinking to myself.  Did the device really work?  The time is now for a shave.  I try to move my arm behind my back to apprehend whatever force is touching my lower back but I am unable to move my arm.  I am in sleep paralysis. Struggling to regain consciousness to verify the presence of this supernatural force against my lower back, I finally awaken from the dream but still unable to move completely paralyzed much like a false awakening but I know I am really awake. 

There is a woman floating above my bed.  She is an oriental woman with beautiful features and well defined ruby red lips. Her hair is pinned up like a china doll.  “Who are you,” I ask mentally of her presence.  Her presence floats over me in a diagonal direction from my lower right and up toward my right shoulder.  Still struggling to regain control of my body my arm finally wakes up and becomes responsive.  I move my arm slowly and intentionally in her direction painting a continuous circle with my index finger in the air around her face in a slow and persistent manner to get her attention and let he know I am aware of her presence….once again telepathically asking with stern emphasis, “WHO ARE YOU?”  In response to my question she puckers and pinches her lips forward as to point in the direction of my night stand as if it somehow holds the answer to my question. Moments later she disappears. 

I then rolled over and went back to sleep.  The dream continued….this time the device I am given is a more advanced version with no limits to the possible outcomes of what the device can manipulate.  This upgraded version has a tiny video screen where the sliding cursor is located.  Impossible I’m thinking to myself as if the last one wasn’t bad enough.  Yet a part of me wants to look into its window to see the future.  I am very much aware that I am dreaming.  I am aware that no harm can come to me by confronting my dream.  I am aware of my previous dream and I am emphatically determined to find out where this all leads.  I want answers from the depths of the collective consciousness. 

Looking into the sliding cursor I can now perceive  the future.  It is an amazing experience.  The beauty and power of this gift suddenly turns gruesome.  With its power comes knowledge of darkness.  I now see the decade bodies of the dead whose spirits are trapped desperately wanting to communicate but their bodies are no more.  These are ancient civilizations forgotten and left to decay in darkness.  In shock I woke up with the vivid image of a dead man impressed upon my mind.

I don’t often have nightmares but this one I would certainly classify as such.  I don’t know how much of the dream was influenced by my day’s events.  I did see a very disturbing movie earlier tonight, Crash High Voltage.  It was rated B by Yahoo movies so I considered it a good pick.  I was sorely disappointed in the movie.  I considered walking out at several points in the movie but since I had gone with a friend I decided to stay.  The amount of violence in the movie was very disturbing.  I have to ask what kind of society have we become that movies like this receive B ratings.

So who was that woman and what on my night stand was she calling my attention to.  On my night stand sits a lamp, my alarm clock, my cell phone, my wallet, my voice recorder for capturing dreams and in the drawer several my personal items including the remote control.  At the base of my night stand are several about 5-7 spiritual books. 

This one remains a mystery.    

Clergy With Someone

ClergyLast night I had a restless night that resulted in a series of disturbing dreams. In the first dream I am at a party and we are blowing up balloons. They are the type of balloons that are twisted into animal shapes. The balloon I am given is black. The objective is to blow up the balloon to the break point without breaking it. As I begin to blow up my balloon I notice it looks like a penis or dildo. I am disturbed by the image and I want to stop but I feel committed to the challenge. I don’t want to fail. I’m aware that the more I blow the more pleasure is felt by those around me who are observing me. They are urging me on. I’m approaching the break point. Just one more puff. The balloon bursts with a loud pop. I immediately wake up startled by the loud sound and burst of air at my face.

As I open my eyes there is a fat black man looking at me with puffed cheeks, pinched lips and bulging eyes. He reminds me of Louis Armstrong. I am extremely annoyed at his presence. He is the reason why my balloon burst. The look in his eyes tells the whole story. He is making a joke of me. I backhand him and roll on my side to go to sleep.

I then had a dream where I am dating a guy over the internet whose screen name is “ClergyWithSomeone.” Our conversations occur mostly over the internet. At first our chats are pretty typical and very delightful. Then something changes the mood shifts for some reason and I suspect something is wrong. I’m trying to figure out what has changed. Why is it that the internet acting differently? As I examine the computer I realize my hands are stuck to the computer. I am trying to figure out how to detach myself from the device. I’m pulling the computer away from me over my head like a pull over sweater. At this point when I am almost free a white note is passed to me seemingly a chat request. I feel it is from someone trying to help me. I immediately grab for the note in the hope of freeing myself. I’m beginning to wake up.

When I open my eyes I’m completely disoriented. I cannot make heads or tails of my room yet I am awake. I feel like I am recovering from just having passed out as if the blood is just now returning to my brain. As my brain begins to make sense of my bedroom, I see three men floating above my bed. They are standing together in a group facing each other. They are humanoid with the face of an animal specifically a bear or a beaver. Again I am extremely annoyed with them for the dream they have given me. I don’t feel they are making fun of me they are simply telling me the truth, a truth which doesn’t feel so good. I back hand them and turn once again in the other direction and fall back to sleep.

I have another dream. In this dream there is a police officer that has been stocking my house and watching me through my closed windows. He has been watching my movie played on my television screen, a movie of my life. I feel violated. He knows my most personal and intimate details. Upon becoming aware of him I step outside my house onto the front porch to confront him. Given that he is a police officer, I feel I must comply with his demands. He wants to enter my home to inspect it. I turn and walk back toward my front door. Something inside me says, “DON’T DO IT….DON’T BELIEVE HIM…DON’T LET HIM IN. I must react quickly. I make a run for it at a moment in time where he was not expecting it. I slam the iron door closed and quickly turn the dead bolt lock. I tell him he must wait outside while I call the station and confirm that he is in fact who he says he is and has the authority with which to search my home. My actions angers him greatly.

I am in a panic inside the house not knowing what to do next. Who do I call? What should I do? The panic places me in a lucid state a super conscious state where answers are coming to me. I remember that I know how to fly. I am the master of my dreams. I alone am the script writer. I alone must confront him but I will do it prepared with a super conscious awareness. I practice for a moment flying back and forth within my dream house to verify that I can indeed fly and I have my super human powers at my readiness. I then open the door to confront my oppressor. It is dark outside and he is now no where to be found but I know he still lurks in the darkness.

I now go about my business. I walk through the house taking note of all the details. There are mementos of my life and memories of my mother. As I start to remember where I came from, I become lost in the experience. As the wave of information starts to end, I come across a group of photos. They are photos of me with my friends taken in the past. In the first photograph I see the man my oppressor the same man who stood outside my house dressed as a police man. I clearly recognize him now. I hear myself say, “I hate him.” I can’t believe we were once friends but here is the truth on paper. We were friends. I flip through the photos. We are together in a majority of the photos. He smiles like a horse. I remember his presence even in those days was overbearing but he was my friend.

I then hear a sound at the door. He is back and the front door is wide open. He enters the house. We both take flight and confront each other in mid air in a great show of force. He is an extremely powerful opponent with powers that equal mine. His advantage is that he has lived in this underworld for a long time. It is his home turf. I am on his playing field. I on the other hand have been away from my powers having used them only sparingly during the course of my life on earth. The knowledge of how to use them is steadily coming back to me. We collide many times in mid air but I am not backing down. It is not only me for whom I am fighting for. I am fighting for the freedom to be as we really are in our full potential. I am fighting for my family’s right to sovereignty, peace and security. We finally lock each other in a choke hold. I’ve got him by the neck gripped under my arm.

The struggle wakes me up. As I open my eyes there is a face of a man beside me. His face is bright red and he has an expression that is undoubtedly evil. If there is a devil this man is him. Interestingly he has two piercing one on his lip and the other on his nose. He is completely red except for both piercing which are a vibrant luminescent blue. I am amazed that I am seeing this before me in a fully conscious state. I give no expression other that of sheer determinations and steadfast resolve to stand my ground. After a few minutes….his image fades. I then got up and went to the bathroom to pee.

A Weasle In My Bed

WeasleLast night I had a dream where I am undergoing a surgical procedure to remove some calcified deposit from my brain.  The procedure will be done on an out patient basis.  The procedure is described to me in detail by a female surgeon who will be performing the surgery.  The surgery needs to be done immediately before I awaken.  I am worried because there is no time to notify my employer in the event that I am unable to report to work the following day.  I am very scared fearing for my life.  She is the only person from whom I can seek assurance of my safety.  Before I sit in the operating chair I ask her if I can hug her.  At that moment a gentleman walks by. He is a resident intern.  She turns in his direction to grab his attention.  She asks him if he would share his story with me to help reassure me concerning the need for and safety of the procedure I am to undergo.  He pauses in the doorway to gather his thoughts and begins to explain his story which is similar to my situation.  He explains that he would have otherwise died if it had not been for the procedure that is about to be performed on me.


As she begins to apply the anesthesia to my scalp above my left ear, I begin to awaken from the dream.  Over me in my bed is an ethereal humanoid being who is by no means human.  I recognize him to be extraterrestrial.  Both my hands are holding my comforter tightly close around my neck to keep the warmth from escaping my sheets.  This visitor has a pointed jaw line and a few teeth protruding from his mouth.  He reminds me of a weasel or ferret.  I don’t trust him.  In a moment of quick thinking I try to push my comforter forward netting the being the being in my comforter and thereby pushing him away from me.  As my arms began to move forward in his direction he quickly reached down grabbing both my arms tightly and pinned me back down to my bed.  I felt the pressure of his forward motion and the weight of his body against my mine.  He looked squarely into my eyes.  I could see his lips moving but I did not hear any sound.  I laid there motionless under the weight of his presence with no alternate recourse.  He examined me visually then released me and backed away vanishing into space.  I looked at my clock on my nightstand. It was 4:25 am.  I then got up and went to the restroom.

In traditional symbology however, the weasel is represented as brave, graceful,[2] and a symbol of the brave Christian who triumphs over more powerful foes.[3] A weasel is shown as the companion of St Jordan of Battberg. It was also used in Christian hagiography as a symbol of resurrection,[4] and was respected as a hunter of snakes, and the one creature that could reliably kill a basilisk.

Weasels are one of many villainous races, along with rats and ferrets — although ferrets, biologically speaking, are a species of weasel.  In reference to the weasel’s reputation for skullduggery, the phrase “weasel words” means insincere or devious speech.


Basiliscus LizardIn European bestiaries and legends, a basilisk “little king” is a legendary reptile reputed to be king of serpents and said to have the power to cause death with a single glance. According to the Naturalis Historia of Pliny the Elder, the basilisk of Cyrene is a small snake, “being not more than twelve fingers in length”,[2] that is so venomous that it leaves a wide trail of deadly venom in its wake, and its gaze is likewise lethal; its weakness is in the odour of the weasel, which according to Pliny, was thrown into the basilisk’s hole, recognisable because all the surrounding shrubs and grass had been scorched by its presence.

The Dragon's Lair; Sinfully Nothing to Fear

BatsThis dream was so long it started one night and continued on the next.  Both dreams were so amazing and detailed I can only hope to give a glimpse of what happened..  I was also fully lucid in both dreams.  I remember reentering the dream half a dozen times or more just because it was so exhilarating to do so.  I wanted to experience it again and again and again.  With each re-entry the dream changed slightly with my new awareness. 


On the first night I am retracing human history and find the Elohim.  I somehow know that if I find enough of the pieces where they were left it will be enough to piece it all back together.  I fly and soar to heights only dreamed of.  My last clue is found in the crystals. 


On the next night I reentered the dream again soaring to heights well above the earth.  I can see a planet in the distance.  This planet is similar to the moon but darker as it does not reflect much light. I allow myself to enter into orbit around the planet.  I want to see the life that is on this planet.  There are many dark caves yet I can see in the darkness.  The caves are protected by many uncircumcised penis like creatures with wings that fly like bats in the night.  They scratch and bite at my hands.   I can hear them talking.   “This is the dragon’s lair.”  


By entering I defied the dragon and angered him.  I could also hear my own thoughts.  I knew they could hear my thoughts.  I wanted them to know I wanted them to “Bring it on”. I then said in a slow deliberate thought, “Simply nothing to fear” but for some reason my saliva got my tongue stuck and the word “Sinfully” came out instead of “Simply.” I then felt my own dribble hit my forehead in a wet creamy paste. 


Knowing I am the beast and I am the dream, there is nothing for me to fear.  I’ve basically forever been afraid of my own shadow.  Hell then became a very cold place. My metabolism slowed to a crawl.  I heard them say will he be able to make it back.  I didn’t care I felt I had already died a million times.  If this was the realization of death then so be it.  One of them noticed I was wearing a cell phone.   

The Cicada of Truth

Green CicadaTonight I had some of the most incredibly vivid dreams I have ever had.  I must have gotten up to go to the bathroom at least 3 times and each time the dreams continued right where they had left off the minute I closed my eyes without waiting for me to fall back asleep. 


In the first dream I am visiting my first lover Jerry who is now living on a secluded mountaintop in a very large house.  Walking through his house, I am amazed that he has been so successful in his life to have acquired so many wonderful things to adorn his house with.  He has obviously exercised good judgment in his decision making.  He has several young daughters, twins and triplets from about the ages of 3 to 5 years old.  All of them love to play games with him. He is their Daddy.  He sets up scenes for them to play house and hide in miniature worlds which he cordons off with curtain sheers.  He illuminates their play area from within. He hides behind the curtain and watches them play.  He interacts with them in this way by moving the curtain to create shadows.  Every once in a while one of the little girls will pop her head out through the curtain to see what he is about to do next.  She has caught on to his game. They are so engaged with each other it is such a joy to watch the love that is between them.  The girls look up to him and want to be around him all the time.  They crave his attention.  His activities with his children keep him so happy and busy that he does not have any time left to live the gay life he used to live.  His life is now consumed by his children.   It is a simple life yet he would not have it any other way. He is simply a man.


I walk over to one of the other rooms of the house and find a bed where I lay my head down to enjoy the comfort of his home while my sister prepares a meal for us.  As I lay there it occurs to me that I might be dreaming, because my sister is not one to be preparing a meal.  I then begin to hear a loud buzzing sound.  It is a sound I can clearly place outside of the dream.  Believing it is a sound in my bedroom, I open my eyes (in real life).


Hanging upside down from the ceiling are two non human creatures.  They are a transparent luminescent green and remind me of those long tubular balloons they have at the fair that are twisted to form different animal like shapes.  My ceiling in the bedroom is at least 12 feet high.  These beings hung upside down and were at least 5 feet long.  I raised my arm at the one on my right to let him know I could see him.  The deafening sound they were making reminded me of a cicada bug. One of the two jumped down off the ceiling and landed on my bed and quickly jumped on the floor and stood by my left bedpost at my feet. The other remained suspended from the ceiling.  Within the shrill of their speech was a telepathic message.  They kept asking me to do them a favor.  They insisted I do something for them but they refused to say please so I refused to carry out their wish.  For some reason I can’t remember what they wanted maybe they blocked my memory of the conversation but they were apparently not able to block my intention. What I do remember distinctly is that they would not say please. 


I finally got tired and grabbed my nightshirt which was lying on the floor beside me and swung it in their direction to get them to shut up.  The one hanging from the ceiling quickly jumped on the bed and both rushed off into the hallway. 


I got up out of bed and followed them with my night shirt in hand but they were nowhere to be seen.  I wasn’t about to go looking for them downstairs I had a dream to continue so instead I took advantage of the opportunity and found my way to the restroom to take a leak then returned to bed to continue the dream.


The moment I laid down I began to hear voices.  I knew they were alien voices.  I knew I would see their craft if I looked for it.  I knew they were close by I just needed to meditate and take myself there.  After a few minutes I did see their space ship clear as day.  It was an amber craft that looked like an upside down tea cup without the handle.  It had a high dome saucer shape which was unlike any of the ones I’ve seen in the media.  It did not look very aerodynamic to me with such a high profile.  It looked more lake an old beetle, nevertheless this thing could fly.


A few minutes later I was among them on a carousel under their custody and protection.  They asked me how I got there.  I told them I didn’t know how I got there I just knew I had fallen asleep and was lying in bed dreaming.  Standing in their presence it occurred to me that I might be having an out of body experience.  They took me to a high ledge and asked me if I knew how to fly.  I took one look below at the profound depth above which I stood and replied, “Of course I know how to fly.”  I then let myself drop off the cliff.  Instead of flying to greater heights I went straight for the shadowy depths.  I could hear their concerned voices trying to instill fear in me telling me I would not be unable to return from such terrible depths. They said the shadows would attach themselves to me and imprison me. What they did not tell me which I know to be true is that the shadows can be transformed by the light.   I resisted their attempts to instill fear in me knowing that even the shadows of death can be transformed.   I walked upon the dead sand in the depths of darkness and as I did slowly things around me began to come back to life. Things began to illuminate from within.  I found that I was standing upon the belly of a man.  I walked over to his mouth and opened it to look inside.  I could hear them counseling me otherwise.  Within his mouth lay another man asleep.  I knew that man to be me.  


Scary gruelly figures started to come out from all areas. One was like Medusa with worms and creatures coming out of her hair and skin but I was unaffected and unafraid.  She looks at me and asks, “Do you know who you are?”  I reply, No I don’t, but what I do know is that I have the power to bring light to darkness.”

A Scarf Among First

Academic DressI had a dream where I am given a burgundy scarf by two elderly women to replace a stripped blue and white scarf that I had been wearing.  I am told to set out on my appointed mission.


Now in my house, I am preparing to ready myself for my journey.  I am living in a house that is haunted.  My mind is on the task ahead of me when the spirit in the house begins to make his presence known.  He is opening and closing doors to make me aware of his presence. As I am getting ready to leave he confronts me in the stair well.  I don’t have time to deal with him.  I try to push my way through him.  A fight erupts between me and the spirit.  We tug at each other as each struggles to have the upper hand.  The conflict is so intense it wakes me up. 


Over me was the spirit from my dream.  He had me pinned to the bed.  I was so irritated that I immediately jumped up out of bed and stood up.  The spirit backed off and became an orb of vibratory green light resting just above my closet door about 3 feet from where I was standing.  In my right hand I held an in-flight pillow those they sell at airports.  I normally sleep with one every night and use it between my legs so that my knees don’t rest against each other.  Without hesitation, I whacked the green orb with my pillow squashing it against the door as if it was a fly on the wall.  I saw the green light from the orb turn dull against the door as the vibration ceased within the orb. 


Angrily, I grabbed my pair of shorts and walked over to the bathroom to pee.  I did my business and forcefully jumped bank in bed and grabbed my voice recorder to capture the details of the dream. 


As I journal this experience, I have to wonder what was the significance of the scarf?  Apparently there is such a thing as an academic scarf which felt appropriate here. I felt the dream was conferring honor, knowledge, authority and power to proceed on my journey.  I believe my mission is to gather my research for my next book on the nature of evil and the shadow self.


In many British and Irish colleges and universities, sets of two or more colors have traditionally been used as part of the distinctive visual identity of the institution. These colors are used in clothing and symbols of all kinds, from ties to trophies, but notably in the long woolen winter scarves that students often wear to show their pride in their Institution.


In looking at the colors of the scarves and the universities associated with those colors I found:


Blue and White

Hatfield College whose coat of arms reads, “Vel Primus Vel cum Primis” which literally means “Either First or With the First”

Trinity College, Oxford



Kings College

Saint Mary’s College


Now St. Mary synchronizes well with the dream because of the two women.  I see them as both Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  Mary Magdalene is thought in metaphysical circles to have possessed knowledge of all the ancient Egyptian mysteries (see Mystery Schools)  which is why she is depicted in art with the skull.  Both are also considered the expression of the divine feminine the Easter Egg, the vulva vestibule, or the giver of life which is the aspect of spirituality we have lost in our patriarchal religions today.  The divine feminine possesses the mysteries of life.  If you’ve read The De Vince Code you know this to be the Holy Grail.  As you might have noticed this dovetails nicely into yesterday’s dream, The Assembly of Vestibules where I was among those secret societies like the Masons and Illuminati who are cloaked in mystery. 


Lastly is the meaning of color.  Colors are allocated to various fields of learning and have been apparently standardized by the American Council of Education in their Academic Costume Code.


White is Liberal Arts, Literature and Humanities.

Blue is Education and Philosophy

Burgundy is Law


Am I onto discovering the Holy Grail and the secret of life.  Is evil a mere front to shroud the heavily guarded secrets to the mysteries of life such that only he who overcomes fear can penetrate the veil.  Hmmm…  I think I’m on to something.

A Knowable Universe


Last night I awoke while within a dream and suddenly realized I was leaving earth. I could not remember anything before this moment.  I tried hard to remember how I arrived at this point.  I knew this highly lucid state had been triggered by a deep desire to know my many visitors who grace my night.  


I am aware that there is no denying I am witnessing the real deal.  A part of me is afraid of the height at which we are traveling but I do not care.  If I am experiencing stellar travel I want to do it whole heartedly.  There is no looking back.  “Let’s go for it,” I think to myself.  I have an unobstructed view of everything in every direction as if I was in an invisible craft.  We are orbiting earth.  As we move further and further from earth, a deep separation anxiety comes over me. I am leaving my beloved terra.  Will I ever come back?  I know there is more out there I need to experience.  I am torn between the two worlds.  I wonder how I will ever find my way back.  At one point terra diminishes to a small dot in the sky indistinguishable from every other shadowy planet in the sky. 


Once we are far enough from earth, we change course and continue in a different direction across a black night of deep space.  Pressing onward we pass by many dark planets, shadowy worlds.  There are a few that exhibited signs of life, some are red and orange in color.  I notice most do not show signs of water yet I know they contain life.  I seem to be traveling backward with my back facing the direction in which we are headed.  Planets appear from over head into my field of vision.  At one point I wonder if it would be possible to reach out and touch one of these planets as it passes by.   I decide to try it.  I reach out my hand to touch the next planet passing over head believing it will float through my etheric hand.  


What follows happened very quickly in the blink of an eye without much forethought on my part.  


As the planet comes into contact with my had it erupts and shatters into many small pieces.  From the shattered remains emerges a beast of immense and incredible proportions.  I feel I unknowingly did harm to this planet. In shock and without thinking I grab the beast from over my head with both hands from under his arms and hurl him forward over my head in front of me to get a better look at him.  His face is coming at me at tremendous speed.  The shock of impact wakes me up. 


Now with open eyes,  at the precise moment to coincide with the actions in the dream, I sat up straight hurling his body head first into my sheets between my legs. He looked at me with disdain.  He had the face of human but the body of a non-descript nature spirit.  Motionless I remained frozen; our eyes locked on each other.  He soon faded. 


I immediately closed my eyes and returned to the dream.  I am now approaching our final destination.  It is a planet teaming with life.  Most of the life on this planet is formless; a melting pot of intelligent essence.  It is everywhere upon the land and beneath its surface.  This intelligence is iridescent blue and green and extremely vibrant. The entire planet is a glow with this life form.  I can also see humanoid creatures that walk the land.  They tell me of the many wars this planet place has seen.  I soon become aware that I am part of this crew with rights of passage to access this installment.  It is a headquarters of sorts. 

Upon landing we embark upon individual saucers much like individual toilet seats upon which one sits. These saucers fly you through the air.  I am surprised to find out that a saucer is assigned to me.  How did I even learn to fly this tiny saucer thing?  As I am guided to survey the land my memories are returned to me.  I slowly recall the history of this planet.   

The 7th Seal and the Seeds of Enlightenment

SignetI had an incredible lucid dream where I am trying to achieve and master all the things I’ve always wanted to master.  I am recreating all the situations that will bring me the experiences I have wanted to defy.  I want to reveal all the things that have been hidden from me.  In this one dream scene, I am in my house which has a security system which keeps all things contained in their order.  Unknown to everyone else, there are hidden treasures stored in the walls of the house where no one would suspect.  I defy the security system bypassing it in such a way that I am able to gain access within the walls of the house.  Within the walls, they have hidden hallucinogenic substances to confuse and distort perception.  These treasures are a double edged sword.  On the one hand they keep those who might make it past the security system within a distorted perception of the truth yet on the other hand they possess the keys to enlightenment. 


There is a beast who oversees all operations within the walls.  I challenge him at every step of the way learning more and more about his secret world and how it works.  I pursue him relentlessly with supreme conviction and determination of mind. 


I was so much in awe at the experience that at one point I had to get up and pee. Worried that I would not be able to come back to this golden opportunity to experience truth, I held my bladder and remained in my bed to carry out the dream to its finale. 


Back in the dream, I come upon a door where a light shines forth underneath the door.  I bend over slightly to examine the source of the light.  From out of nowhere appears a penny on the floor.  Wow, synchronicity in the dream, I knew I was on the right track to discovering something very profound and the dream had just confirmed this by manifesting a penny. 


Now beside my Self with excitement in materializing a penny within the dream, I look around to carefully examine my surroundings.  This empowers me to press onward.  One illusion after another I am able to defy.  Finally there is only one last thing left for me to defy and that is the fear of being formless; to see myself as I really am.  I want to experience the void and conquer the fear of death.  I pursue the beast and corner him in front of a mirror.  He struggles to keep me from looking at my Self in the mirror.  I somehow know that if I can corner the beast and place him in front of me while standing in front of the mirror I will be able to see and know my own truth.  I tear the cloths off the beast pinning him in between me and the mirror.  In a moment of utter clarity, I am finally able to see myself as pure invisible void draped in the clothing of the beast.  I can also see the beast between me and the mirror completely naked.  His image is distorted and ugly yet I recognize that I AM the beast. 


The image of the beast melts away and in its place appears a second coin; a very large gold coin.  My alarm sounds “bad timing,” I think to myself.  I reach over without leaving the dream to hit the off button on my alarm.  I am amazed at my ability to be fully awake and at the same time fully within the dream.  As I marvel at my awareness and this radiant gold coin which I hold in the palm of my hand, an inscription appears on the coin.  It has inscribed on it “7H”  I can see the inscription very clearly but I am confused as to its meaning.  As I lay there holding the coin, a profound awareness comes over me.  I have broken the 7th Seal. 


Knowing I only had a few minutes remaining before I needed to get up I didn’t want to leave this state of consciousness.  I had this dream while attending the 2008 IASD conference in Montreal.  I was sharing a room with David L. Kahn.  I could hear him in the shower.   Determined to see this dream through I pressed on wanting to understand the significance of the signet. 


It suddenly occurred to me, “Tear down the walls!”  I quickly began tearing down the walls of the house like ripping wallpaper off a wall.  Underneath the wallpaper I could see screening rooms.  Alien civilizations were hidden in the walls of the house.  The aliens had left me two shipments within the walls for me to find at this particular time history.  These shipments contain the seeds of enlightenment stored in small packets that have a very pungent odor.  Some of the packets have seeds and others have worms.  The worms hold the secrets to the seeds of life.   The seeds need the worms to survive and grow yet they are contained separately in their chloroform baggies. 


The experience was so real I could swear aliens had arrived and announced themselves on Earth this morning.  I could see them arriving at their welcome centers.  Panic could be heard throughout the world. 


I try to get the message out that there is nothing to fear.  Then a pink cockatoo bird comes and begins eating the seeds from the packets before I have a chance to plant them in the ground along with the worms. 


I now have to pursue the bird. Without thinking I immediately take flight.  I can feel my wings flapping against my back carrying me to soar above the clouds in pursuit of the bird.  As I look down at the ground below me I am in total and utter awe.  I am flying!  I am a bird! 


It was total bliss.  Unable to breath I heard myself gasp for air.  I sat up in bed.  David was sitting at the edge of his bed meditating.  I immediately began sharing with him what I had just experienced.  Wow that was phenomenal!!! 


I remember thinking, Wow, we go through life asleep and unaware of the truth.  I was also struck by the word Chloroform.  I had never used the word before and I had no clue what the word meant.  I assumed it was a variation on the word Chlorophyll which I know to be the green pigment in plants so I decided to look the word up.  Coincidentally, I found the following:


The major use of chloroform today is in the production of the refrigerant R-22, commonly used in the air conditioning business. However, as the Montreal Protocol takes effect, this use can be expected to decline as R-22 is replaced by refrigerants that are less liable to result in ozone depletion. In addition, it is used under research conditions to anesthetize mosquitoes for experiments, most frequently for the study of malaria. In film and television, it is sometimes used in a fictional manner to knock out an unsuspecting victim, leaving no trace.

Chloroform was developed in the mid-1800s and was mainly used as an anesthetic. Inhaling chloroform vapors depressed the central nervous system of a patient, causing dizziness, fatigue and unconsciousness, allowing a doctor to perform simple surgery or other painful operations.


I found it interesting that Chloroform is used as an anesthetic to dullen the senses.