Dawning the Face of God

GeckoLast night while I was deep in mediation lying in bed, I saw in my mind’s eye what looked like a woman. She was on top of me, somehow within me, occupying the same physical space that my body occupies. As she raised her body out of mine, she delivered a deep tongue kiss. It caught me completely off guard. “Too late to refuse that one,” I thought to myself. To play with the vision, I kissed her back. I then observed her unusual features as she blushed and backed away. She was humanoid, with friendly lizard like qualities.  Her tongue was thick and long and her jaw bird like. Her colors were saphire blue and emerald green. She reminded me of the Geico Gecko. Slowly her image faded and I drifted off to sleep.

My dreams were one struggle after another. So much happened that I can’t even begin to recount all the events. The last thing I remember happened toward the early morning hours. I was watching these reptilian humanoids perform a procedure on me. I could see my anesthetized body below on a table. They had my jaw unlocked and my mouth wide open as if I had swallowed something. Something began to come out of my mouth. I felt very uncomfortable as if I was in labor. Something from deep within me was coming out. I then realized it was the lizard’s tongue that I had swallowed. I began to squirm as the anesthetic began to wear off. I struggled to bring it up from deep within my esophagus. With one large and forceful cough I regurgitated  and expelled the lizard tongue.

HeraclesI immediately opened my eyes and awoke from the dream. Above my bed was floating the image of a gigantic Herculean man. He had a huge frame and was very muscular. His hair was a radiant white. He had rosy checks and a thick white beard and mustache. I could tell he was a man of great wisdom. He clearly saw me too. He tried to tell me that he is what they had extricated from within me. He kept patting himself on the chest, saying, “I am, I am.” I laid there confused somewhat angry that I’ve been choked up for so long with this huge man inside me.

I studied his features carefully. Still angry, I grabbed my voice recorder and recorded the details of what I had experienced. Choked with anger, I felt it difficult to describe what had just happened to me. I did the best I could and set the voice recorder back down. The man was still hovering over my bed, trying desperately to get my attention back. I simply refused to give it to him. I rolled on my side and returned to my sleep. Finding it difficult to sleep, I decided to meditate so I rolled on my back.

I quickly fell into a vision, where I saw two great birds the white condor and the black condor struggling with each other; their etheric bodies melding into one and emerging as two. Over and over this process continued. After a few minutes my alarm clock sounded. I opened my eyes and reached over to snooze it. When I looked back, I noticed the white bearded man was still above my bed. Now he had my attention. I connected with him telepathically and realized the struggle would continue until I devoted all my attention to him. But who was this man? He answered, “Do you not recognize me?” He did look familiar. He reminded me a little bit of Santa Clause. Then I remembered. This man had visited me before. “Spirituality is a treasure to live for all humanity, to overcome a notion, in a time when spirits rejoice. Where ever you go you pull the universe with you.” Oh my….I knew who this man was……but why was he dawning my face?  His face was my face at the end of my life.

When I got to work I searched Wikipedia for a picture to use for my post that would come close to describing the man from this morning but nothing seemed to fit. I tried Hercules, Giants, Gigantes, Jack and the Beanstalk, but nothing seemed to fit. I finally came across Heracles. The minute I saw his statue I said…”That’s him.” I didn’t even know who Heracles was. Come to find out he is also know as Hercules. I had thought they were different people but come to find out he is one and the same. I did find the meaning of his name interesting.

In Greek mythology, Heracles or Herakles (“glory of Hera“, or “Glorious through Hera,” Alcides (original name) was a divine hero, the son of Zeus and Alcmene, nephew of Amphitryon[1] and great-grandson (and half-brother) of Perseus. He was the greatest of the Greek heroes, a paragon of masculinity, the ancestor of royal clans who claimed to be Heracleidae and a champion of the Olympian order against chthonic monsters. Extraordinary strength, courage, ingenuity, and sexual prowess with both males and females were among his characteristic attributes.

I also looked up Hera in Heracles and to my astonishment it resembled my dream of swallowing and regurgitating.

In the Olympian pantheon of classical Greek Mythology, Hera, (Greek Ήρα, or Here (Ήρη in Ionic and Homer) was the wife and older sister of Zeus. Her chief function was as goddess of women and marriage. Her equivalent in Roman mythology was Juno. The cow and later the peacock were sacred to her. Hera was born of Cronus and Rhea and was swallowed by her father after birth due to a prophecy that one of Cronus’s children would take over his throne. Zeus was not swallowed because of a plan hatched by Rhea and Gaia. Rhea wrapped a stone into baby clothes and gave that to Cronus. Zeus was then moved to a cave on Crete. Rhea later gave Cronus an herb which she told him could make him completely invincible. The herb actually made him regurgitate the five other Olympians: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon, as well as the previously ingested stone. When Zeus grew older, he banished Cronus to Tartarus, the deepest chasm in the underworld, because the Titans were immortal and could not be killed.

Now do I look like Hercules? Maybe there is a little resemblance.

Giv Dar; Shahnameh

ShahnamehThis morning when my alarm sounded I promptly hit the snooze button.  I immediately noticed beside my bed was standing an alien Being from another dimension.  He was what I would consider to be very hideous.  His skin was a khaki tan hybrid color with a leathery wet look.  He was some form of humanoid creature.  I thought, “Wow, he is ugly.” I was however not afraid.  I want to know who these visitors are and why they have been seeking me out.  I thought it important to note the time on my alarm clock.  It was 7am sharp. I then felt my body jerk abruptly as I was lifted by my mid-section.  I felt the right side of my face scrap what felt like concrete.  I passed out for a few moments.  It all happened so quickly. 


When I regained consciousness I was lying face down.  I could feel the pain in my face from the impact when I landed.  I could vaguely remember my face hitting the ground yet my surroundings was still my bedroom but I somehow knew I was no longer in my bedroom.  My nose and sinuses were full of mucus.  I rolled slightly to my side.  My alien visitor was beside me examining me.  I did not fear.  This was my chance to figure out what they want from me.  As I looked at him, I immediately had a vision. 


This vision was unique in that everything happened concurrently as if I was outside of linear time.  I will describe it linearly but I can’t honestly say what happened first.  I was also completely awake the entire time. 


I traveled at great speed over a desert landscape.  I was without a doubt on another planet possibly Venus or Mercury because the sun was at least twice the size it is on Earth. Even though it was early morning, I could see the sun in all its fullness.  I was amazed at the clarity with which I was viewing this other reality.  I was completely immersed in my new reality. I could see people. I stared into their faces noting all features. Not one detail was omitted.  This was not a dream. They were human like me possibly gods from another planet. It reminded me of Egypt but the desert sand was red like it is in New Mexico.  The landscape was also very jagged.  People here lived not in houses but in the sand.  There were many beautiful white and gold temples.  The landscape was breathtaking.  I walked among the people.  Many wore saffron robes that flowed with the breeze.  There were children present too.  As I walked among them I could hear their thoughts.  I presume they could hear mine because they were talking to me telepathically and responding to my every thought.


I had the impression I was in some sort of rehabilitation compound.  I wanted to experience my new reality so I accepted it.  I accepted this new life around me.  As they were examining me.  A young man with a kind face drew blood from my arm.  He said, “Hold still.”  I could hear the heart monitor in the distance.  I could see the blood as it began to flow through the tubing but it didn’t seem to come from me.  I felt nothing.  I heard him say, “You can let go now.”  I then heard the heart monitor go flat with a single sustained tone.  I thought to myself, “Have I died? Is this the end? Is this how I died?”  My next thought was? “OK, I’ll go with it.”  I accepted my death if that was what had just occurred.  I didn’t care.  I simply wanted to continue the experience to see where it would lead. 


As I was being examined, a Being very different from the original one at my bedside came upon those attending me and said to them, “This one is one of ours.”  I was lead away on a cart that floated above the ground like a hover craft. There were now military personnel among those present.  I was allowed to gather some of my belongings from a nearby locker.  In the locker was a leather backpack I had purchased many years ago when I went to Greece during a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Egypt and Israel.  I was surprised to see a cell phone in one of its pockets.  I had never seen this cell phone before but somehow I recognized it as mine. It had many features with many buttons which looked more like a remote control than a cell phone.  I was told that I could use it at any time to call for help.  I was warned however not to use a certain set of features which were presently grayed out. 


There was a gentleman standing next to me while I was searching through my locker.  As I stood there puzzled with what I had found….our hands touched.  I felt an incredible sense of love in his touch flow through Him and to me.  I knew the touch to be a silent acknowledgment of the presence of Spirit.  I knew God was with me. 


The lockers suddenly shifted and I could not remember which of the many lockers was mine.  Having my leather bag in hand, I asked the kind gentleman if he would care for my bag in his locker.   He then gave me the combination and address of his locker.  I was surprised that he had that level of trust in me enough to give me his personal information.  He didn’t seem to think twice about it.  The lockers then shifted again and became a book case filled with books of all sorts.  I suddenly had access to a wealth of knowledge. 


I was then taken on the hover craft to survey the land.  I observed everything very carefully trying hard to remember all details to bring back with me…assuming I made it back I wanted to be able to journal it all.  I looked and found the year in which I now found myself.  The year was 3684.  We passed by the foundation of what was once the World Trade Center.  The towers no longer stood here.  There was not even a city that remained.  I knew I needed to bring something back. This was inportant information.  New York was a thing of the past.  I could see the remnants of a building that once stood here.  Atop the building read, “Giv Dar.” Even though this place had been devastated….there was a sense of incredible peace.   I sensed the presense of those who died here. 


Upon returning to the rehabilitation compound I was greeted by others.  They asked me where I had been taken.  I answered, “The Place of Death”.  They immediately read my thoughts.  They were able to see everything I have experienced in this lifetime.  I was an open book to them.  In the face of death I found peace. 


The vision faded as my consciousness returned.  My gaze was set upon my alarm clock which now read 7:40am. 


Having done my research I found:


I looked up Giv in Wikipedia which redirected me to “Shahnameh,” or the “The Book of Kings.”  Dar seems to mean a place or city and is hindu word which is Sanskrit for “supporter”.  It’s is usually associated with a geographical place such as Dar es Shalaam.  


Shāhnāmé, or Shāhnāma (Persian: شاهنامه )(alternative spellings are Shahnama, Shahnameh, Shahname, Shah-Nama, etc.), “The Book of Kings” , is an enormous poetic opus written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi around 1000 CE and is the national epic of the Persian-speaking world. The Shāhnāmeh tells the mythical and historical past of Iran from the creation of the world up until the Islamic conquest of Iran in the 7th century.


My co-worker is Iranian so I asked him about Shahnameh.  I was suprised to find out that he knew the writing well.  I wanted to understand how the word Giv possibly related to this work.  He told me that Giv in one of the main characters in the Epic. 

Horus, Osiris and the Mystery School

Horus BlueTonight’s dream was a recurring theme.  In the dream Earth is being invaded by aliens from another dimension.  The invasion is well under way.  There is more than one group of aliens who are presently engaged in a war over the Earth.  Since I have knowledge of their presence I am swept into the conflict and forced to take sides.  I already know for which cause I stand.  It is to fulfill the purpose for which I was born.  As I enter the battlefield, I am already aware of their tactics.  Knowing harm can come to my family as a result of this war, I ask for the protection of my mother and family.  They can read my mind and know my request before I have even asked it.  Having connected with them mentally, I tell them where my family is located.  I am told my mother has not yet been born and that because of this no harm can come to her. I then take up arms and am made a warrior. 


A falcon follows me wherever I go.  As more details of the war are revealed to me I become aware that these are the creator gods of the Pyramids of Giza.   The war rages on.  No matter where I go a bird follows me.  I begin to question the significance of the bird.  Many people are around me crowding me in.  Wanting more space I begin to draw on the power of the universe to clear space around me.  Instantly my personal space is restored.  I then come to the realization that these people are looking to me for leadership.  “When did I become their leader…and what is this bird still doing on my back?”  With that thought, I become lucid in the dream and all the puzzle pieces suddenly fall in place.  Now in total awe I realize the bird is Horus and I am Pharaoh. Suddenly with a flash of insight I realize, “I am Osiris”.  


OsirisWith the shock of awareness I awoke from the dream.  Puzzled, the first question on my mind was why were my last words in the dream, “I am Osiris” and not something along the lines of the more obvious Horus or Pharaoh.  It was 8am on a Saturday morning so I decided to simply record the details in my voice recorder and go down stairs to let the dog out.  As I waited for the dog to finish his business, I pondered over the dream in my mind.  I knew I had to return to the dream but I had to return in a wakeful state. When the dog was done we marched back upstairs where I promptly laid back in bed and began my meditation.  Within minutes, I was seeing moonstruck images.  The images were black on an orange backdrop.  I clearly made them out to be partial images of 3 riffles. Strangely they were images of the end of the riffles; the part that presses up against ones shoulder.  Thinking they might be angels, I began to move my consciousness backward to enable me to see the bigger picture.  I then clearly saw three renegade warriors wearing bandanas across their foreheads.  They stood on my left in single file.  Their faces were androgynous leaning more toward the feminine.  I could see their faces with perfect clarity.  All three acknowledged me without saying a word.  I then continued to back away and a 4th person came into view on my right side.  He was their commander.  He did not wear a bandana but instead wore some form of hat.  He too acknowledged me as if I was someone of high honor.


I then noticed others beginning to line up behind the original three.  I move forward past the commanding officer.  I once again looked at the faces of each of the three carefully noting their features.  One by one I looked them over.  Beyond the three were at least 5 others.  Their faces were different.  One looked just like me only younger, stronger and better looking.  Another was a black person.  The next three had elephant man features in that their facial features were much larger but in no way grotesque.  Their features were simply larger and more accentuated.  I sensed that these might be forms in which I had chosen to incarnate into.  I sensed that these could very well be the faces I wore at one time.  I somehow found this accentuated form to be so beautiful that I had chosen to incarnate into it many times more as often despite its appearance being different. 


If these had been my incarnations, I wanted to return to see the black person. I tried to go back but they would not allow me to go back.  I continued forward and entered a dream.


I find myself at J.J. Newberry where my mother used to take me to shop and eat pizza when I was little.  They had the best cheese pizza.  Behind the pizza counter sits a woman.  I ask her if she could possibly help me find my way back to Los Angeles International Airport. She tells me she is in school not far from there and can help me.  She tells me there is a bus I can catch out front of the pizza place.  Having no money on me, I ask if she would kindly accompany me on the ride back.  She says she can’t because her school is in Escondido. 


Feeling confident that I can find my way back with the information she has provided me I decide to get something from the house in which I lived before I head back to Los Angeles.  Still fully lucid I am aware that I can fly and that I am pure spirit.  I take advantage of this fact and enter into the house through the upstairs window so that I can go in unnoticed by those presently in the house.  I the upstairs bedroom I see a boy of about 7 yrs old sleeping in his bed.   I quickly move through the rooms of the house looking for that something.  I’m not even sure what it is I’m looking for to take back with me but I know when I see it I will somehow recognize it as being important to me on my journey.  As I walk through the living room there is a woman seating on the sofa.  She looks at me.  I pause for a moment.  Affirming I am spirit, I move on.  In one of the bedrooms I notice a few dream catches hanging on the wall.  This is what I’m looking for.  I grab one off the wall and proceed to make my way out of the house.